Ricky Gervais podcast episodes 1 to 9
Update 21/02/06: Please see newer post.
The world's number one podcast apparently, over 2.5 million downloads so far but The Guardian only hosts the latest 4 episodes, so here are the earlier ones in case you missed them:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8 (temporarily unavailable)
Episode 9 (temporarily unavailable)
tags: Ricky-Gervais, Karl-Pilkington, podcast, UK, comedy, comedian, funny, download
The world's number one podcast apparently, over 2.5 million downloads so far but The Guardian only hosts the latest 4 episodes, so here are the earlier ones in case you missed them:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8 (temporarily unavailable)
Episode 9 (temporarily unavailable)
tags: Ricky-Gervais, Karl-Pilkington, podcast, UK, comedy, comedian, funny, download
Can't access them 15th or 16th Feb:
"Access Denied
Please contact the owner of this file for more information."
I'm very sorry about that, am fixing them all today.
Didn't realise the demand for these and have paid for many GigaBytes of bandwidth already.
I've found a site that promises unlimited bandwidth but file size limited to 15MB, this is fine for these files (except episode 5 - will have to find somewhere else for this one).
Episode 1 and 2 are up now, others will be by lunchtime today.
Thanks very much! Don't know why the Guardian can't keep some of these up a bit longer.
Anyone know where to find Episode 5. I've done some extensive searching, but no one seems to be caching it... They all point back to guardian which isn't hosting it anymore...
Any help would be appreciated. I think that r.g. is hillarious!
Episode 5 is here!
Filename : rg05.mp3
Size : 16.387 MB Alert ! -- The file has failed verification, Please report so as corrective measures can be taken
OK, 5 is available now as well.
8 and 9 are still at the Guardian site.
Episode 6 isn't working! Says that it's either been deleted or that it's "expired".
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