
yet another blog about nothing in particular

Jan 15, 2006

Another day, another new blog

So here I am, 2006 and I'm starting a blog. I'm leading edge me. Not to mention the unoriginal name. This really is doomed from the start isn't it?

What's the point*1? Well, for you*2, not much. For me it's a single place to collect remnants of my digital life in one place. All those interesting snippets and links and shit. The tools and tips and stuff. And in the age old tradition of blogging: arbitrary lists of things deemed worthy of listing; sometimes ranked, other times just listed for the sake of listing. My favourite freeware, favourite Firefox extensions, the best Javascript functions ever and so on and on and on. Actually, no one would have failed to notice that this obsession to list isn't peculiar to the blogosphere; it pervades all media and has done so for a while now. Channel 4, for instance, almost every other weekend devotes as much as 6 hours over successive nights listing and ranking the best this or that (recently it was "50 Greatest Comedy Films" and "100 Movie Quotes"). The other channels not wanting to miss a trick get the same z-listers to reminisce about their favourite toys or favourite adverts or favourite toy adverts. Won't be long before we get "100 All Time Best List Shows". And Jimmy Carr will host it. And Jonathan Ross's brother, "The Lesser Ross"*3 as he is known, will feature heavily talking about what he liked about the 70s and how truly great that moment was when they did that lesbian kiss in Brookside and shit like that. It's Media Incest gone wild. Too much available air time, not enough money or creativity for original content. That should be this blog's tagline shouldn't it?

*1 This recognition puts me in a small camp of weak futilitarians. Believing that there really is no point to anything but still plodding along knowing that really there really is no real point, really. A strong futilitarian wouldn't even bother writing this sentence, and now I wish I hadn't either.

*2 That's if there is a you. Considering that most blogs get no visitors except bots and spiders in their first few months of existence. After that most people only tend to skim read the majority leaving just an elite few blogs that get an avid readership. So early life for a blog is a vain solipsistic existence: in a dichotomy between smugness and desperation.

*3 Lesser only in stature and talent, not in TV exposure, both seem to be on some show or other at least 5 times a week.


Blogger Patrick Dodds said...

At least from now on you can claim that you had a comment on your first posting. Not that you would, of course, but you know what I mean.
Keep it up though - much higher quality than most (though the length of the JM / RD posting was a bit offputting for a featherweight like myself).

February 16, 2006 at 8:06:00 PM GMT  

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